Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Trip to Melbourne

Well I’m back after 3 days in Melbourne. The weather is definitely better in Sydney (sunny at least and not raining). I arrived late morning in Melbourne (flew Virgin Blue), checked in to my hotel, rested a bit (dead tired as I was worried I wouldn’t wake up in time to catch my early morning shuttle to the airport so needless to say I woke up hourly) and then caught the free tram to my pickup point for my tour to Phillip Island to see the fairy penguins. Sorry no pictures – we weren’t allowed to take any as they found out that they were going blind from all the camera flashes. You did get to see them up close and they were very cute. It was very cool and windy sitting in the stands waiting for them to walk out of the crashing waves. It was a good thing that Dawn had given me a fleece blanket for my legs and I had also bought a fleece hoodie on the market the other day. The next day (The Great Ocean Road Tour) was amazing as you can see by the pictures. Overall the weather was pretty good until the end when it started to get really stormy and raining. I would love to drive this road again … maybe my next visit back. This morning I lucked out with the weather and had a couple of hours to wonder around Melbourne and check out the sites. Melbourne has some absolutely beautiful buildings. Tomorrow my friend Shelly flies in and I’m really excited. I am going to pick her up at the airport and hopefully the weather is good and we can do a hike around the harbour.

Thanks for all your comments.

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