Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 8 - Sydney

Today is a rest day. It is very very windy and the sun is trying to come out. The night was pretty rough. Trees came down and I think there is a wind warning in effect on the coast. The winds were 105 km/hour in the Sydney Harbour so I am guessing there is probably no bridge climbs happening today because I'm sure you could get blown off and drag everyone with you. This picture is the Queen Victoria Building - believe it or not - a shopping mall. It is absolutely beautiful. One more day before John flies to China. Hoping to do a trip down to Bundeena tomorrow. Would be going by train and then the ferry. The ferry isn't running today because of the high winds. Thursday I am taking the train to Gosford, north of Sydney to visit John's sister Dawn and Friday I am going on a tour to the Blue Mountains. Saturday and Sunday I am free to do anything and then I fly out on Monday to Melbourne for a couple of days. Back on Wednesday just a day before my friend Shelly flies in to join me. Looking forward to sharing memorable days experiencing all that Australia has to offer. Incredible so far. LOOKING FORWARD TO SOME COMMENTS ..... ANY .. NOT SURE IF ANYONE IS OUT THERE!!!!


  1. Hi Cairn

    I'm glad you are having a great time. Your pictures are fantastic and I think we will need a preview party when you get home. How about our place on the big screen? Be safe.

    Love jean and Ken

  2. Mackenzie and I posted a comment a couple of days ago, but it doesn't seem to be showing.

    We mentioned that your pictures were great and we are enjoying your comments. We also thought with all the walking you have been doing you should be a skinnier version of Karin when you get home. But the Aussie beer may be balancing this!

  3. I am here Karin enjoying your pictures, it sounds like you are having a great time.

  4. Hi there from London,
    We enjoyed using your apartment and have had lots of good visits with all the London people. Your trip sounds great - we look forward to seeing you when you get back. Showed your mom how she could see your pictures bigger. Have a good time so you can tell us all about it.
    Donna, Alain and Flora

  5. Hi Karin,

    Delighted to read your adventures so far and certainly can recall several places you have mentioned. Aren't the penguins great? And that Ocean Road. I knew you'd love Sydney and area. Can't wait to hear more.
    Cheers, Cheryl
