Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th - Bridge Climb Success

We successfully climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge on of all days Friday the 13th. The day was perfect - blue sky and sunshine but windy. First we walked over the bridge and then we walked through The Rocks to the Bridge Climb office. There we were outfitted with a full suit, wind pants, gloves, hats, fleece jacket (if you needed them). Everything was fastened so that nothing could come loose. Watches and certain earings had to be removed. We each had our own radio set so that we could hear our guide at all times. What a great experience. IT WAS A BREEZE. The view at the top was amazing. You could see the Blue Mountains and Pacific Ocean. We started at 10:15 with an information session and then got dressed for the climb, did the climb and were back down by 2/2:15 p.m. By then we were both starved and stopped to have lunch in the sun by the harbour with the Sydney Opera House in front of us and the Sydney Harbour Bridge behind us. We had some delicious Sydney rock oysters, salt and pepper calamari and chips (as in fries) for Shelly and of course a nice white wine. After lunch we walked around the harbour passed the Opera House through part of the Royal Botanical Gardens. By now it was starting to get dark so we sat down on some rocks to watch the sunset go down behind the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Another beautiful day in paradise.

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