Saturday, August 7, 2010

Blue Mountains

I had an early start to the morning (up at 6 pickup around 7:30) which was good as I just happened to see a cruise ship come in to the harbour. Lucky for me I was able to catch a shuttle for the Blue Moutain tour just ten minutes from the apartment. I picked a perfect day – sunny and blue skies. It took a while before we were actually on our way around 9 a.m. (long story..). Stopped at an awesome lookout, stopped for an early lunch and then went to the Three Sisters Lookout, the start of the climb down. Only 3 of us decided to walk down and then take either the cable car, train or skytrain back up (no way was I climbing back up). It was a very very steep walk down and then we had a 45 minute bushwalk which had some ups and flat (yeah) walking. The views were incredible. You could see for miles. Unfortunately the tour did not include the Olympic Park, Aboriginal rock engravings or a river cruise. It was still a great day. It was the first day I didn’t wear shorts or sandals. It was cooler up in the mountains. Today is another beautiful day and I am going to meet up with Dawn and check out the surfers on Bondi Beach.

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