Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 15 - Next Flight

Bright and early tomorrow morning Shelly and I are off to Port Douglas to experience the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest. Wednesday we continue on to Alice Springs to enjoy a three day outback experience tent and all. Not sure if I will have access to internet so you may not have any updates and/or pictures until we are back on Sunday evening. The days are going to fast. So many more things and places to see but running out of time. Bye for now.


  1. Hi Karin

    Your trip is facinating. I really love the pictures. Keep them coming. See you soon

    Jean and Ken

  2. it looks like you are having a great time. Keep writing and keeping us updated. Love the pictures. Have a glass of wine for me- red of course. Enjoy

  3. Hi Karin, sounds like you are having quite an adventure! Barrier Reef, Rainforest - looking forward to some more great pictures!
